Important Documents you Need to Present in Court when Fighting Custody of your Child

Child custody issues can be complicated and difficult, especially if you and your ex are not in good terms. If you want to ensure you have the best chance to get the child custody arrangement you want, you must prepare for the case in advance. This includes hiring the best lawyer like Ken Phillips. In terms of family matters, it is important to gather the appropriate documents to present before the court. Before you start the child custody case, your lawyer will advise you to get the following documents and files:
Written Submissions
This document includes an outline of your position or what you are asking the court for and why. It will explain the kind of documentation you have on hand to support your position to give the judge an idea of what you are bringing to the table. Your case will be reviewed by the judge before the hearing begins so include as many details as possible to the submission.
Visitation Logs
You need to keep track of all the arrangements you have with your ex after the split. These include visitation schedules, any phone calls or emails you exchanged with your child and your ex, and a shared custody arrangement. It is imperative to keep a detailed log that shows the amount of time your child spends with you versus the amount of time they spend with your ex. Also, include what your child did during this time. Don’t forget to note the difference in behavior when your child is with you and when they are with your ex.
Documents that Pertain to the Overall Health of your Child
Bring along other documents that show evidence of the overall health, wellbeing, and happiness of your child. These documents can include evidence that shows your child had poor grades while they lived with your ex or good grades while they live mainly with you. Written statements from the other people in your child’s life like teachers, coaches, doctors, and therapists that can attest to your relationship with your child can be used in court as evidence of your involvement.
Records of your Ex’s Bad Actions
If your ex is unfit, abusive, and negligent, you must include evidence of this behavior. This can include documents that show your ex misses scheduled visits or leaves your child alone after school without a ride. Try to keep copies of a complaint or written record of such acts from teachers, voicemails, text messages, and daycare facilities.