Who Can See Your Bankruptcy Information?

Bankruptcy can be an amazing thing. It will allow you to start over and give you a clean slate. You may wish your past mistakes were not visible to the rest of the world. But it is important to remember that bankruptcy filings can be accessed by anyone. This means that public records of bankruptcy cases are available as public documents. It is important to remember that bankruptcy records are not public. This does not mean everyone will be able to see them.
Your Future and Bankruptcy
There are many misconceptions and myths about bankruptcy’s impact on your future. The U.S. Bankruptcy Law – which was created to assist consumers who are struggling with debt, and not to punish them – states that bankruptcy is NOT meant to be a permanent or ruinous scare that can hinder your future. Its temporary effects are temporary. How bankruptcy affects your ability to get credit, loans and other financial transactions depends on your unique circumstances. However, you will find it easier to do so as you build better credit.
The vast majority of the public won’t care about your bankruptcy records. The bankruptcy filings, usually found on credit reports, will be largely inaccessible to creditors and lenders that lend loans or credit lines based on your financial history. A bankruptcy filing can be kept on your credit report for as long as 10 years, or less depending on the case. However, you can still get credit and loans and improve your credit score.
A Financial Fresh Start
Often, feelings of shame or embarrassment can lead to concerns about privacy and bankruptcy filings. Although it is understandable to be concerned about bankruptcy records, consumers should feel secure in the knowledge that they are technically not public.
They will be kept private and used only by creditors that you have provided content to pull your credit reports, creditors you list in your case, as well as any applications or instruments you disclose personal information.
Your financial new start is more important than worrying over your financial past and financial problems. You can take control of your finances and make payments with bankruptcy.
You can look at preexisting debt to help you save your property and home, or get a discharge to free you from unmanageable debt. This clear path will help you navigate to a brighter financial future.
This post was written by Trey Wright, a highly sought after bankruptcy lawyer in Brunswick Ga! Trey is one of the founding partners of Bruner Wright, P.A. Attorneys at Law, which specializes in areas related to bankruptcy law, estate planning, and business litigation.
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